2012年6月15日 EC2関係 Amazonのアナウンス

2012年6月15日にAmazon EC2で発生した障害に関して、 AWS Service Health Dashboard に掲載されていたAmazonからのアナウンスです。

表示されている時刻の日本時間との時差は -16時間 です。8:50 PM PDT は 日本時間 6月15日 12:50です。

8:50 PM PDT We are investigating degraded performance for some volumes in a single AZ in the us-east-1 region.

9:27 PM PDT We continue to investigate this issue. We can confirm that there is both impact to volumes and instances in a single AZ in US-EAST-1 Region. We are also experiencing increased error rates and latencies on the EC2 APIs in the US-EAST-1 Region.

9:55 PM PDT We have identified the issue and are currently working to bring effected instances and volumes in the impacted Availability Zone back online. We continue to see increased API error rates and latencies in the US-East-1 Region.

10:29 PM PDT We can confirm a portion of a single Availability Zone in the US-EAST-1 Region lost power. We are actively restoring power to the effected EC2 instances and EBS volumes. We are continuing to see increased API errors. Customers might see increased errors trying to launch new instances in the Region.

10:59 PM PDT We continue to bring affected EC2 instances and EBS volumes back online. API error rates are recovering and customers can once again launch new instances and volumes.

Jun 15, 12:11 AM PDT As a result of the power outage tonight in the US-EAST-1 region, some EBS volumes may have inconsistent data. As we bring volumes back online, any affected volumes will have their status in the “Status Checks” column in the Volume list in the console listed as “Impaired.” You can use the console to re-enable IO by clicking on “Enable Volume IO” in the volume detail section, after which we recommend you verify the consistency of your data by using a tool such as fsck or chkdsk. If your instance is stuck, depending on your operating system, resuming IO may return the instance to service. If not, we recommend rebooting your instance after resuming IO. More information is available at: http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/monitoring-volume-status.html

Jun 15, 12:50 AM PDT We are continuing to bring affected volumes back online. The remaining volumes should be recovered within the next hour. We are also still seeing increased latencies and errors in registering instances with ELBs.

Jun 15, 1:38 AM PDT Almost all affected EBS volumes have been brought back online. Customers should check the status of their volumes in the console. We are still seeing increased latencies and errors in registering instances with ELBs.

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